Department Store | Australia
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You are invited to promote Ozdingo Shopping, Australia's #1 Rated Shopping Website.
If you're looking for a reliable and trustworthy Australian online shopping retailer to work with, look no further than Ozdingo Shopping! This incredible business is making waves in the e-commerce industry thanks to their commitment to quality products, competitive prices, and exceptional customer service. As an Australian business, Ozdingo has been able to cater to the needs of the Australian market by providing a wide range of products that are both high-quality and affordable. With our extensive collection of products, ranging from home essentials to fashion and beauty products pet products and everything in-between, Ozdingo has become a go-to online shopping destination for Australians.
* 4.9 Star Rated on Trustpilot with thousands of 5 star reviews
* All Stock in Australia ready to be shipped in maximum 1 business day
* 10% commission on the sale value
* $AOV $100
* 30 day tracking cookie period
* Open to all promotional methods (except PPC)
* Open to custom marketing collaborations
* 10% Welcome promo for first time customers
* Customer Loyalty Points program in place
* Ongoing promotions
* Mobile optimised website
* Open communication with our marketing and affiliate teams
We look forward to working with you!
- The Ozdingo Shopping Team